Oral Surgery
By Custer Creek Dental Care

Ideal oral health is not only ensuring that the teeth are healthy, but also that the surrounding structures in and around the mouth function properly. Oral surgery is any surgical treatment performed in or around your mouth and jaw, typically by a dental specialist who has been trained to undertake specific types of oral surgeries.

What is oral surgery?

At times, the dental issue you’re suffering with may necessitate a few oral surgery treatments to be resolved. Other therapies, such as dental implants, orthodontics, and periodontal disease, are frequently coupled with oral surgery.

When would you require oral surgery?

Oral surgery may be required for tooth and jaw procedures that are beyond the scope of a conventional dentist’s expertise. If your wisdom teeth are impacted, for example, you may need to see an oral surgeon to have them removed. 

3 different type of oral surgery

  • Extraction of teeth- Millions of people have their teeth extracted each year for various reasons. Wear and tear or decay can often cause a tooth to shatter or get infected, necessitating tooth extraction by a trained oral surgeon. You’ll be given a numbing drug to make the treatment painless during oral surgery for tooth extraction. The oral surgeon will pull the tooth, clean the socket, and perhaps place a temporary filling.
  • Dental Implants – When a person loses a single tooth or several teeth in a conspicuous position, they frequently choose to replace the natural tooth (or teeth) with dental implants. Dental implant surgery can be time-consuming and require multiple visits. For each replacement tooth, your surgeon will often insert a post through the gum into the jawbone. People with low bone structure may additionally require oral surgery for a bone transplant to provide appropriate support for the post. Following these treatments, the dental implant is attached to the post to improve your smile and restore appropriate jaw alignment and chewing ability.
  • Facial Reconstruction- Many different types of trauma can shatter the face bones or jaw, as well as knock out teeth. Following an accident, oral surgeons can conduct reconstructive treatments to restore the function and look of the face, jaw, and oral cavity. Depending on the severity of the injuries, facial reconstruction may necessitate many procedures spread out over months or even years. These procedures are frequently performed under general anaesthesia and may necessitate an overnight stay in the hospital.

We hope that reading this blog has provided you with a better understanding of oral surgery. If you’re searching for the best oral surgery service in McKinney, TX, go no further than Custer Creek Dental. Keep in mind that our complete medical and dental team will be there for you every step of the way, from preparation through recovery following your oral surgery. You’ll be back to feeling your best in no time with our assistance.

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By Custer Creek Dental Care